
Christchurch Game Developers Association
Based in Christchurch, New Zealand

Founding date:
December, 2015


Press / Business contact:




The Christchurch Game Developers Association is a not-for-profit incorporated society that works to support, grow, and advocate for video game development in Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand.


About CGDA

Originally founded in 2015, the Christchurch Game Developers Association (CGDA) is an organisation dedicated to supporting the local Ōtautahi Christchurch Game Development Community.

CGDA works with local sponsors and tertiary institutes to provide monthly Meetup Events, featuring a wide variety of Talks from local and international guest speakers. We also facilitate Canterbury sites for Game Jams (weekend-long collaborative game creation events) and Playtest Exhibitions, with the goal of showcasing local talent and illuminating pathways into the Game Development Industry.

CGDA also functions as the local advocacy body for game development in Canterbury, regularly attending hui within the Screen Sector as representatives for the Game Development Community within Christchurch.

Who we represent

We have a huge spectrum of members, including commercial game development studios, individual developers and industry-employed artists, self-employed freelancers, independent game developers, hobbyists, teams working in applied immersive game design, students, educators and researchers.

We have over 1200 members on Meetup, and a Discord Community with over 400 users. Since our inception we have hosted over 95 events, including Talks, Workshops, Game Jams and Showcases. CGDA is proudly supported by Cerebralfix, Screen Canterbury NZ, HitLab, Yoobee Colleges, plus a selfless crew of individual Patrons, all committed to our vision for the growth of Game Development in Ōtautahi.


Monthly Meetups

We frequently offer casual follow-up events either in person or digitally to continue the conversations and share stories, encouraging community growth, connection-building and the sharing of knowledge and expertise.

A typical meetup includes:
- A Guest Speaker or Panel presenting on a core topic
- An opportunity for Q&A with our Guest Speakers
- Games Industry News and Events from around New Zealand
- Screen & Games Industry Job Opportunities

Game Jams

The Game Jam events we host throughout the year give our community an opportunity to come together, collaborate, experiment, learn, and have fun making small games over weekend jam sessions.

We facilitate sites (or online support) for the following Jams:
- Global Game Jam
- Game Jam Aotearoa
- Kiwijam

Playtesting Events

In order to educate and generate interest in the Game Development pathways available in Christchurch, The Christchurch Game Developers Association has been running Playtest Events in collaboration with Tūranga Central Library and Yoobee Colleges.

During these Playtests, student work from Yoobee Colleges is showcased alongside projects from local studios and developers, providing great visibility and cross-pollination for exhibitors and attendees within the game development community.

Outreach & Advocacy

Our advocacy efforts involve working with local government, education and industry partners, as well as collaborating with the NZGDA in their efforts and events. We also liaise with other Screen Sector partners to ensure that game development is included in wider discussions and policy decisions.

To stay informed about CGDA events & news:
- Join our community on Discord
- For event news, join us on Meetup
- Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
- Consider Supporting our Patreon


Christchurch Game Dev Hui Opener YouTube


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There are far more images available for Christchurch Game Developers Association, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!


Selected Articles

Global Game Jam

Game Jam Aotearoa


Team & Repeating Collaborator

Leith Caldwell
Chairperson & Compliance Officer

Ian Shephard

Thomas Barrer

Sam Cook
Committee member

Lila Gibbens
Committee Member

Jack Clark
Committee Member

Fi Engel
Committee Member

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks